Enterprise VPN & Tunnels

Protect Your Business:

Starting At
Starter Business Firewall
  • Monthly$49.99
  • Semi Annually$279.99 (Save over 5%)
  • Per Year$529.99 (Save over 10%)
  • $25.00*
  •                  5 Devices**
  •                  5 Devices***
  •                  5 Devices***
  •                   500 Mbps
  • Order Now
Starting At
Basic Business Firewall
  • Monthly$99.99
  • Semi Annually$549.99 (Save over 5%)
  • Per Year$1,049.99 (Save over 10%)
  • $0.00*
  •                  Unlimited**
  •                  15 Devices***
  •                  15 Devices***
  •                    500 Mbps
  •           500 GB
  • Order Now
Starting At
Business Pro Firewall
  • Monthly$149.99
  • Semi Annually$849.99 (Save over 5%)
  • Per Year$1,599.99 (Save over 10%)
  • $0.00*
  •                  Unlimited**
  •                    50 Devices***
  •                    50 Devices***
  •                     1000 Mbps
  •               1TB
  • Order Now
*: Devices are pre-configured and shipped to your business location, there are no setup or install fees for remote installation on Basic and up. If you require onsite installation an additional fee may be required. Installs done in our local Bay Area can be completed at no additional charge.
**: Unlimited devices using NAT, routable IP addressess have an additional monthly cost per IPv4 address.
***: Additional remote devices can be added on to any package for an additional $5/month per device.

VPN/Tunnel Hardware


  • 1: Power LED
  • 4: Admin Console Port
  • 7: 1000 mbps SFP Port
  • 2: Activity LED
  • 5: USB Device
  • 8: Reset Button
  • 3: SFP Activity
  • 6: (3) Local 1000mbps NICs

  • Every business class VPN Tunnel from SIP comes with an onsite dedicated router.

    Every Router comes pre-configured based on your needs and can be remotely configured if package upgrades or downgrades are required.

    Our business class routers all use the Ubiquiti EdgeRouter ER-4, running custom firmware developed and maintained by SIP.

    Each EdgeRouter can be pre-configured in a multitude of ways depending on your companies needs.

    General Configuration include:
  • eth0 for your local ISP connection.
  • eth1 VPN/Tunnel Protected Link. Any switches or devices connected to this port will use your secure encrypted tunnel.
  • eth2 is a pass through link for devices which you do not wish to protect, any switch or device connected to this port will use your local ISP for transit.

    Every router can be configured for optimal security using NAT or can pass through actual routable IPS for use on your local servers (or both).

    Every Remotely connected Mobile or PC Device can be routed securely behind your companies network using its local NAT or its own routable IP space.
  • Hosting Features


    Stop hackers and intruders BEFORE they reach your computer.

    Data Encryption

    Prevent spying eyes and outsiders from viewing your data.

    Data Analysis

    Detailed monitoring, traffic logs and packet analysis.

    Data Protection

    Keep secure data in and intruders out.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    A VPN is a virtual private network. It is used to secure information between two or more devices on a local or wide area network. Mobile or PC devices located outside of your business location can connect securely and safely to your business network as if they were physically located on site. Information can then be security transfered or transmitted between the computers.

    The Tunnel protects your business information from being spied on. The information is encrypted to a tunnel to our datacenter and then out to the world.

    NAT is network address translation. Each computer on the internet generally needs a routable IP address. NAT eliminates the need for this. NAT allows multiple computers behind it to access the internet using the same routable IP.

    Although each computer on the local network still should be secured using its own Anti-virus and firewall, NAT generally can provide added security in the sense that outside networks can no longer actively scan it for vulnerabilities.

    However always remember NAT is never a means of absolute security.

    A routable IP is one which has direct access to the internet, these are best used for servers and not everyday mobile or PC devices.

    Generally no. Your VPN and Tunnel can function and work remotely while using NAT. Your router will be assigned at least one routable IP from our network for your remote devices to communicate and connect to.

    For advanced users and businesses with servers onsite, routable IPS are available on request.

    After purchasing our network team will work with you to assess your network needs. We will help you select the best configuration for your business and get everything as plug and play ready as we can.

    Your device is configured to connect to and function with our network out of the box. Our team will work with you or your IT department to teach them how to remotely access and configure your Mobile and PC devices.

    Each of our devices allows you to connect a local switch and or wifi to share your VPN/Tunnel throughout your business.

    System In Place offers free onsite setup and training for those locations in the Bay Area.

    Although setup is typically plug and play, we do offer remote onsite setup and training outside of the Bay Area for an additional fee.

    Most small businesses with less than 5 employees can used our Starter package. Those with employees who frequently need to access the internal network will need a Basic or Pro package.

    If you are unsure which package you need please contact one of our sales professionals at sales@systeminplace.net

    Accessing your files has never been more simple. Your backup drives will be pre-configured or remotely configured on your EdgeRouter and will export to your local network as well as remotely connected Mobile or PC Devices over the VPN.

    These drives will then be accessible as network shares. They can even be mapped as local drives for easy drag/drop file management.

    Your files can also be configured to be locally and or remotely accessible via SFTP server.